The Recipe Book

The recipe book dates back to 2009. It is a collection of my paint schemes and choices - my "recipes" - for the various miniatures I've painted. The first entry is for my Games Workshop Moria goblins that I used as test subjects to (re)learn on. Nearly all of my minis are recorded in this book.

Some entries, I reference previous entries. Like for the Intellect Devourer that I'm going to paint. The "brain" portion of the body will be painted similar to how I painted the exposed flesh/brains of the Doppelganger that I painted back in August.

 Unfortunately, my recipe book is almost full.

My Dad always said "If you like something, buy two... one is going to wear out or break." Well, I had bought two of these notebooks a long time ago. Soon, probably by Spring, I'll be filling its pages with more recipes.

 Do you have a recipe book for your painting? What are you doing to record what you did and how you did it?