Podcast Episode 29 - Realistic AD&D Initiative, Update on Campaigns and Playtests
There have been many attempts to house-rule and update AD&D Initiative/Surprise rules to make it more "realistic." I visit one of those alternative systems from an email I received, as well as talk about what happened with my player that I thought was leaving my campaign! Plus... I'm nervous about a new type of game!
Anchor Episode link: https://anchor.fm/thedungeonmastershandbook/episodes/Episode-29---Realistic-ADD-Initiative--Update-on-Cam-eb2k7s
Links and Resources mentioned in this episode:
Goblin's Henchman Houserules from AD&D Inspiration
Gronardia vists Dragon #71 on Initiative - "Who Gets the First Swing"
Adventure Logs from Etinerra Campaign Game
What do you think?!
Leave me a voice message and let me know what you think or ask questions if you have them! (312) 625-8281 (US/Canada) You can also leave a message on Anchor: anchor.fm/thedungeonmastershandbook/message
Find episode posts and other D&D content on my blog: chgowiz-games.blogspot.com
Intro music: Dragonaut by Bradley The Buyer (bit.ly/2ASpAlF)
Outro music: Dream by Wild Shores (bit.ly/2jbJehK)
Stinger music by TJ Drennon - Check out his Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/TJD/
Stinger music by Nightingale - https://www.looperman.com/users/profile/207475
All music used with permission.