[Podcast] Episode 7 - Including Mass Combat into D&D Campaign Games

In this episode, Michael explains how he finally found his Holy Grail - having a D&D game with a seamless transition from mass combat to 1:1 combat, and it was very easy!
Books/Supplements mentioned in this episode are:
Book of War by Daniel Collins
Printed version: http://www.lulu.com/shop/daniel-collins/original-edition-delta-book-of-war/paperback/product-17158134.html
PDF version: http://www.lulu.com/shop/daniel-collins/original-edition-delta-book-of-war/ebook/product-17391327.html
The Fellowship - Supplement to Book of War by Michael Shorten
Season 1 Episode 7 - Including Mass Combat into D&D Campaign Games
Intro music: Dragonaut by Bradley The Buyer (bit.ly/2ASpAlF)
Outro music: Dream by Wild Shores (bit.ly/2jbJehK)