Dungeon23 - Wk 26 to 33 - Work continues!
I haven't given up! June and July were extremely busy time, and to be fair, I felt these updates were getting boring as I wasn't doing anything particularly interesting or exciting, outside of the way I stocked Level 8 -- but revealing that would be revealing spoilers!
In general terms, I just picked a theme of tough monsters, as well as swarms of lower level monsters. This will be interesting to see how the players handle the possibility of facing ten to twenty times their numbers.
I also wrote up a sublevel, and might have been inspired by a certain Diablo secret level...
Level 9 is going to be a mix of a cavern and what I'm thinking of as an open dungeon layout. Rather than focusing on passages, imagine a huge space with rooms created and scattered throughout. The "passages" are the open space between rooms. Again, inspired by Diablo 2.
I'm still on track, still trucking away -- how are you doing?
Dungeon23 stats: as of week 33
- Levels: 10 (+ 4 sublevels)
- Rooms: 556
- Levels 1 - 8: mapped/keyed.
- Levels 9: map finished; keying in progress
- Levels 10 connected
- 5 sublevels mapped/keyed
- Town: Created, 7 locations/NPCs keyed.
- Surrounding Wilderness: Created, locations/NPCs keyed