Tartan'ing up my minis

Finally! I have access to a phone that can take decent miniature pictures. ThePrincessWife - Angie - has a Pixel 3 and the camera is, quite frankly, stunning.

I've been working on a Chaos Wars militia/levy unit. I have 3 Ral Partha Scots Pikemen - historical figures - and I thought it would be neat to attempt painting their capes in tartan.

Well, Amazon and Hobby Lobby don't sell tartan paint, so I checked out a few tutorials, watched a couple of videos and then attempted a simple design...

Not too shabby! Encouraged, I tried a somewhat more complex design...

Feeling pretty good about myself, I then tried a more challenging design...

I think they turned out nicely! I'm glad I only had 3 Scots though, tartan is not easy!

My biggest tutorial/help was this page: A Step by Step for Painting Tartan Patterns

What do you think?

To my US readers, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have the day you are hoping for.