GaryCon Game Submissions!

It's coming! I can't wait! I've just submitted my games for consideration, and I really hope that I'll get a chance to run these.

EDITED TO ADD: Games already accepted! I've updated the post to include proposed times - the schedule for the event hasn't been set yet. So times might change!

Friday Midday (10a-2p):

Rescue of Hommlet - An OD&D/Chainmail Game

A discrete summons has reached your ears, for the good people of Hommlet are in fear for their lives! A militia of foul brigands from Nulb have been spotted near the old Moathouse of ill reputation! What evil lurks there and beyond? Find out, brave heroes, using OD&D/Chainmail as the rules of engagement!

This adventure is a homebrew of T1 "Village of Hommlet" and T2 "Temple of Elemental Evil", using an unofficial variant of Chainmail to resolve all combats, and OD&D (3 LBBs only) to deal with the rest.

This Chainmail variant, collected together by Jason Vey of Elf Lair Publishing, is an homage and expansion of Chainmail to serve as the combat engine for OD&D. It can be found here:

Friday Evening (5p-9p):

Chaos Wars in the DUNGEON!

GO UNDERGROUND in dark tunnels and chambers filled with horrors or treasures! Brave Lawful allies fight against foul Bestials! Who will emerge victorious? Fight in a unique terrain setup using Chaos Wars fantasy miniature wargaming rules and all genuine Ral Partha armies!

Saturday Evening (7p-midnite):

Saturday Night AD&D - The Heist of the Century

It's an easy enough job - get into the Royal Palace, steal the King's Secretary's Seal and return with it, for a reward worth ten years' wages. But nothing is ever simple, is it? Especially when you interrupt something far, far worse, and the opportunities may be far, far bigger. Come experience the world of Etinerra, a campaign ten years going!

Sunday Morning (10a-2p):

Chaos Wars in the DUNGEON!

GO UNDERGROUND in dark tunnels and chambers filled with horrors or treasures! Brave Lawful allies fight against foul Bestials! Who will emerge victorious? Fight in a unique terrain setup using Chaos Wars fantasy miniature wargaming rules and all genuine Ral Partha armies!

I'm super excited about all of these games!

The OD&D/Chainmail game has been something I've wanted to run since playing in Paul Stromberg's recreation of the Battle of the Moathouse at GaryCon X a couple of years back. I shot a video of his set up, which was amazing!

I can't promise anything like what he done, but I'm really pumped to be using Jason Vey's Compleat Chainmail rules, which I've been wanting to use for quite awhile now. This is going to be glorious - succeed or fail!

The Chaos Wars games I'm also really excited about, as I've created some cool underground terrain pieces. I mean, who takes armies underground and dukes it out? Well, I do, dammit!

And finally, the AD&D game is something new for me. I've normally played dungeon type adventures, so this sort of heist story is going to be a first - although playtested, for sure, still a first for me! It sets up a pretty cool event that is happening in my campaign world!

I really hope that I'll see you all there! Come say hi! Come play!